Friday 1 March 2013

Lord Rennard is a Sex Pest?

Wants It
Just been reading about Lord Rennard  of the Liberal Democratic Party.

Apparently this rapscallion has the compulsion of asking women in his political party for sexual intercourse. It's a disgrace!

All the women concerned in these allegations have said 'No' to his sexual advances and who can blame them either, I mean look at him! This great fat shit should consider himself lucky to even be able to speak English let alone attract women. What on earth is going on in his head. Doesn't he realise that some women have taste?

Who'd want to have that great tub of lard wobbling around the bedroom waving his wedding tackle all over the place? They'd have to be sick!

A Woman
If this fellow wants to go round asking for sexual favours then he has to buck his ideas up. He needs to take a long hard look in the mirror, a double size one and get himself sorted out.

Stop eating all the food under the sun for a start and also go outside and do a bit of exercise. He needs to start treating women with at least a modicum of respect before propositioning them!

Until toning himself up a little he should take my advice, change his approach and attitude to women and at least desist from trying to get a quick one with his party colleages. He needs to win their respect, he needs to  treat them like human beings and not like mere sex toys. This takes time and an ability to build trust and if he can't bring himself to do this then the least he can do is to offer them cash.

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