Sunday 15 February 2015

How to Prevent Hatred on Twitter and Facebook

Right then! There appears to be a lot of hatred and negativity on the internet these days about anything that is possible to be hateful against. Typically it always seems to be focussed on people of different religious beliefs, cultures and nationalities. This hatred is usually characterised by the differences between people rather than what we have in common. It's a disgrace!

Twitter and Facebook are excellent examples of these whereby trolls not only post hateful and abusive posts on their own pages and timelines but also post ghastly messages on the pages of celebrities, journalists, social commentators, Belgians and even ugly people. A recent example of this was the extensive trolling campaign in the UK of Stella Creasey MP for Walthamstow who campaigned merely to have a woman's face on the new five pound note. This was but one of innumerable examples. Even more of a disgrace! 

Fortunately, my own liberal views have prevented me from falling for this trap and my own policy of not tolerating intolerance has made me the tolerant fellow that I am. First sign of a nut-case in the vicinity and I have em standing against the garden wall don cha know! Happiness is very important.

Regrettably neither Facebook nor Twitter seem capable of handling this menace in any effective, meaningful manner as they are primarily money-making institutions and this sort of thing doesn't intereste them. Even Twitter boss Dick Costolo states that his own organisation wasn't very good at monitoring this sort of thing.

So what is to be done? Well I've been mulling over this one for a couple of minutes now and by Jimeny I've come up with an absolutely marvellous tip-top plan to stop this nonsense once and for all! 

Incredible as it may seem I've come up with a way to actually nip this negativity problem right in the bud before it even gets out of the mouths of these people. It's simple!

Simply ban them from the Twitter and Facebook! That's right ban all of them, the lot! All foreigners, Jews, Muslims, Christians, homosexuals, ethnic minorities, women, hipsters, the stupid, the obese, the anorexic, children, young people, old people and Belgians from using these social media platforms! Not only that but if these trolls continue with this mularky then ban the aforementioned from the entire internet! In one fell swoop these people will not only have been liberated from the worst excesses of internet hatred but they will also be in a place devoid of all this sort of thing. Not only will their lives no longer be blighted by these trolls but they will have shown these people who really owns the internet! Ha!

I do wish people would ask me about these things.

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